Meet Jen

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I am a Nigerian working-class college student.
My favorite things are:
baking, hair accessories, pretzel M and Ms, Ray-Bans, gmail, Macs, organizing, lists, tumblr, photography, music, family, friends, hair, Ugly Betty, cleaning, rings and all things pink.On a more serious note, I am a dreamer, a wisher of all wishers. Window shopping and online (window) shopping is what I do. (it’s the truth). Because I cannot have it all
I do have a cluster of people I love and they love me back.
My faith and relationship with God is not as strong as I would like it to be. (I’m working on it).
School is top priority, and my drive is fueled by my dreams of achieving my future career goal.Why I Made This Blog:
After days and days of searching and finding no blogs that are for African American 20-somethings (that blog solely about school, career, fashion, and life in general), I decided to put my love of for writing and my love for fashion together and create this blog.

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